Saturday, June 7, 2008

Day Eleven - Atlanta, Georgia

So right now, I sit locked inside a house in an Atlanta suburb at four in the morning with no interest at all in going back into that hot room and laying back down on that hard floor surrounded by sweaty dudes. I keep fearing that the clicking of this keyboard is going to wake someone in the family up and they are going to come down and see me sitting here in my underwear being a creep on their computer.

I've come to a realization that I really hate writing about shows, and I'm pretty sure no one wants to read about them either. I really had no plans on ever returning to the Hostage Blog but I am incredibly bored right now and these past few days have actually been mildly entertaining.

We hit a little slump for a few days while traveling through the southwest. I'm not sure if it was the heat or the lack of attendance at the shows we played but moral was down throughout the band. Texas was terrible. I'm sorry, but fuck that place. I can't stand the dry heat that we endured those couple of days. Once we got out of Texas things started turning around. We played a show in Mississippi and a lot of young kids came out and it was just good vibes. The show in Alabama was amazing. I fucking love that state. So many beautiful girls at that show (none of which I talked to of course). These southern girls have me smitten. Tonight we played in Georgia and again I was stunned by the amount of lovely ladies draped in sundresses.

I wish I was an interesting writer.

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