Monday, May 19, 2008

Day Two - Indianapolis Indiana

Fuck not having headphones. I just tried to steal some from office depot but i pussied out. Tom and I were in the bathroom together and we were talking about stealing when someone walked in. So yeah, that was a big turn off. So when I left the bathroom I put the headphones back and walked out. I'm so pissed because even though someone heard us talking about stealing I could have definitely still gotten away with it. fuck.

On the good side, we just ate at Moe's. It was my first time eating there and it was fucking delicious and cheap too. I'm siked on more trips to Moe's.

Right now we're just sitting in the plaza parking lot because we have so much free time and nothing to do. Tim and Luc are passed out in the loft because they were up all night driving. I'll come back to this when something cool happens.

Tonight is our first show out of many with Trash Talk and The Carrier, it's another house show. I'm siked to see Trash Talk. I'm listening to them right now, so good.

1 comment:

j said...

see you in jersey!